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python 的 mutagen 库提供了便捷的 mp3 处理功能,操作 ID3 就像操作 dict 一样方便。

值得一提的是,mutagen 的信息都是采用的 unicode,这样在处理不同语言的 ID3信息就很方便了。同事每个字段都是支持多值的。



Mutagen has full Unicode support for all formats. When you assign text strings, we strongly recommend using Python unicode objects rather than str objects. If you use str objects, Mutagen will assume they are in UTF-8.

(This does not apply to strings that must be interpreted as bytes, for example filenames. Those should be passed as str objectss, and will remain str objects within Mutagen.)

Multiple Values

Most tag formats support multiple values for each key, so when you access then (e.g. audio[“title”]) you will get a list of strings rather than a single one ([u”An example”] rather than u”An example”). Similarly, you can assign a list of strings rather than a single one.

下面是一个读写 ID3 信息的例子:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
import mutagen.id3
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3

def print_id3(id3):
    print '%-13s\t%s' % ('Field', 'Value')
    print '-' * 70
    for k, v in id3info.items():
        print '%-13s\t%s' % (k, v and v[0])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    id3info = MP3(u'/home/greatghoul/Musics/刘若英/听说/It Just Be - 刘若英.mp3', ID3=EasyID3)

    # change the title.
    old_title = id3info['title']
    id3info['title'] = u'new title'

    # change the title back.
    id3info['title'] = old_title


Field        	Value
date         	2004-10-13 00:00:00
tracknumber  	5
album        	听说
genre        	华语流行音乐【Chinese Pop Music】,流行音乐【Pop Music】
artist       	刘若英
title        	It Must Be

Field        	Value
date         	2004-10-13 00:00:00
tracknumber  	5
album        	听说
genre        	华语流行音乐【Chinese Pop Music】,流行音乐【Pop Music】
artist       	刘若英
title        	new title

Field        	Value
date         	2004-10-13 00:00:00
tracknumber  	5
album        	听说
genre        	华语流行音乐【Chinese Pop Music】,流行音乐【Pop Music】
artist       	刘若英
title        	It Must Be

然而奇怪的是,mutagen 用这种方法并无法读取出 ID3 的 comment 字段,这首mp3应该还有一个 comment 字段

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